
Providing law enforcement services and security to all courthouse staff and visitors is the primary responsibility of the 利昂县警长’s Office Bailiff Unit. The 利县 Courthouse consists of five floors of office space and courtrooms. There is also a Courthouse Annex located on Thomasville Road which is staffed by members of the Bailiff Unit. Tenants include several constitutional offices: Judges, 州检察官, 公设辩护律师, 法院书记员和县专员. The Bailiff Unit works closely with other stake holders in the courthouse to ensure the orderly and safe conduct of county business can occur.

The Bailiff Unit consists of 1 Lieutenant, 3 Sergeants, and 32 Deputy Sheriff’s.

执达主任小组位于3号rd 法院楼层.

法院有两个公共入口. One is on Calhoun Street and the other is on Monroe Street.


  • Safety and security of all judges, constitutional officers, courthouse staff and visitors.
  • Assign a Bailiff to each judge presiding in a courtroom. That Bailiff takes direction from the judge in matters relating to courtroom decorum and maintaining order. The Bailiff is also responsible for the safety and security of the presiding judge, 陪审员, 法庭工作人员.
  • Transport of inmates between the Detention Center and the Courthouse. Transport of in-custody persons, to and from 利县, to other jurisdictions.
  • Respond to calls for service, and/or alarm activations in and around the courthouse.
  • 陪审员的安全和保障.
  • 执行法院的合法命令.
  • Fingerprinting, collection of DNA swabs, and service of civil and criminal process.
  • Entrance control and screening of visitors to the courthouse.
  • Orderly evacuation of the courthouse when required.


  • There are 22 courtrooms and hearing rooms at the Courthouse and Annex.
  • Over 22,000 visitors enter the Courthouse and Annex each month.
  • Over 21,000 bags and pack年龄s are screened at the Courthouse and Annex each month.
  • Over 800 in-custody persons are transported each month.
  • 每个月都有40多人被捕.


  • All visitors must go through the screening process. No weapons, or contraband, will be allowed into the courthouse. (Arrive early in order to ensure time to go through the screening process.)
  • Do not bring food and/or drinks into the courtrooms.
  • 关掉手机和其他电子产品.
  • 开庭时必须保持安静.
  • No bare midriffs, hats, tank tops, or suggestive clothing is permitted in the courtroom.
  • No verbal, or non-verbal communication, with in-custody persons is permitted.
  • 法庭不允许儿童进入.
  • 旁听席上不准站立. If no seat is available, please wait outside the courtroom until one is available.